Dogs are marvelous sentient beings

They offer unconditional companionship, affection and joy. We, as their guardians, owners, pet parent, whatever you like to see yourself as, have a responsibility help them live in our world. That’s my aim with my clients. I like to think of it as dog education, rather than training. Coaching rather than telling.

I will help you, though a positive, force-free approach, to understand your dog and what makes them tick. To see what they see and why, sometimes, they don’t behave in a way we understand. Many people who love their dogs make the mistake of expecting them to enjoy the same things people do. Well-meaning pet owners often expect a dog to behave as a person would in certain circumstances. Humans don’t want to talk to everyone, its just the same with dogs. Some things scare us and we want to get away from that thing. Its the same with dogs. They just communicate what they want in a different way.